Aurora Tip ClearanceAurora-TipClearance is part of the Aurora Analysis system, an integrated analysis platform that provides all the tools and capabilities required for summary and detailed analysis of both time and frequency domain data from a single application window. The Aurora-TipClearance application is used for processing the raw dynamic data (containing pulses which relate to blade passing events) to generate calibrated TipClearance processed files which can be viewed and interrogated in the Aurora-RawViewer module. The Aurora-TipClearance application allows the user to submit tip clearance processing requests which are performed by the Aurora-TipClearance Server. The Aurora-TipClearance Server identifies each pulse in the raw data and extracts the height of the pulse. The pulse height in mV is then converted to clearance through the use of a calibration curve (also produced by the system). The processing by the Aurora-TipClearance Server includes several algorithms and techniques for rejecting false pulses (that might be generated from noise spikes in the analogue front end), as well as inserting artificial pulses into the processed data files when real pulses are missed (as a result of any data drop out from the analogue front end). The Aurora-TipClearance Server supports processing of many different pulse shapes including bi- and tri-modal pulses and can be adapted upon request to detect different pulse shapes. Once the processed TipClearance file has been produced, the user can view and interact with both the Raw and Processed data in the Aurora-RawViewer module. Within this module the user can view the TipClearance data superimposed over the Raw data in an Amplitude vs. Time plot; the user can also view the TipClearance data in an Orbit plot and then ‘play’ through the data to see the variation during changing operating conditions. The Aurora-RawViewer module offers other features such as data export (in csv and binary formats), data interrogation, re-plotting the data against speed, as well as flexible and highly configurable chart axes. |